Monday, May 11, 2009

Southpark Episodes Quicktime Blessed are the geese ...

cloistered be back after two months on my roof with a bit of a persecution complex, marking boxes with chalk and braided cross (ties) in my windows with duct tape (double bacon). And so, after my visit circus was, again, the only witness to another chapter - and going 3 - autobusera wildlife, from a guy who later called himself knew Chicolini ... (Story based on unfounded facts, not uncertain

I was distracted by the scenery & amaba a vanilla folder on the letterhead of the Board. Looked again, made notes, looking for a leaf. A suckling pig. Then the old man, without sodium pentothal and armed only with his bag of "The Dust" and confidence radiating from his gray hair, was incorporated into the bored passenger coughed and started with a particular interrogation:

- Eh ... sorry to bother you sir, but I've been setting.
- Yes? - Dej & the busy writer; Oacute; his papers and turned to the elderly. - is writing with a pen, right?

At this point, caught my attention. Not to grasp the old man had called gay
the other guy regardless. Or so I thought, because that's when they started talking about emboli, Parker pens and what not ... Marvel superhero?
and a 9mm Glock18


But not sure right now he is showing his gold-plated Parker also where could have taken that gun? "In the dim and hidden neighborhood super bag? Shit! I hope I have not been installed in 13. I'm lost, I have to go. I think someone in my pajamas on.

Blessed are the geese ... they shall never be spied on.


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