Friday, January 18, 2008

Playing Soul Silver On A Mac Midwestern EMO


( Tim Kinsella / Photo by Ryan Russell )

( Mike Kinsella / Photo by Ryan Russell )

One day I'm going to marry these two men (yeah both) after they have left their wives for me. Because they're cracks of life, from the day in 1989 than 12 years, along with Davey VonBohlen, Sam Zurick and Victor Villareal, created Cap'n Jazz, for me the best band in the so-called "post-emo indie rock "of the mother and His brother xoxo ily.
Cap'n Jazz is Life Group. From their separation have left large groups

How Much Is A Wood Fence Acre

'requiem for a polaroid'

That's it. Never mind that we are every day more modern ones have a Polaroid camera brand has decided to end its manufacturing in 2008. Why? Basically because now we're in the digital age, the term 'instant' that characterized the Polaroid no longer makes sense. Making these cameras are no longer profitable exits because people have lost interest, more so because the price of the reels and analog revealed each day is higher. We will have to buy a thousand reels now and ruin, before they disappear from the planet. Cruel world. CHT

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Glory Hole Sacramento Ca

RE D Sparowes

EPIC! The power of christ compells you. In fact, do not need a description of what I convey this brutal Red Sparowes EP, because the amazing titles of songs and album design ideally represent him.
Group truth is that first it may seem "long" and do not arouse interest (as may happen sometimes with 20-minute tracks Godspeed You! Black Emperor). But that's all prejudice. In fact now when a post-rock song lasts less than 5 minutes so the first seems like a scam (September least FirOluta, but if they are darker, melancholy and "opaque", I guess the influence of the power of metal. ALL IN ALL
is the perfect music for the Soundless Dawn. I can not emphasize enough the titles.

At The Soundless Dawn (2005)

1. Alone and unaware, the landscape WAS transformed in front of Our Eyes.
2. Buildings Began to stretch wide across the sky, and the air filled with a reddish glow.
3. The Soundless Dawn Came Alive as Cities Began to Mark the Horizon.
4. Mechanical sounds cascaded-through the city walls and everyone Revealed in Their ignorance.
5. A brief moment of clarity broke through the deafening hum, but it was too late.
6. Our happiest days slowly began to turn into dust.
7. The sixth extinction crept up slowly, like sunlight through the shutters, as we looked back in regret.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Lupus Causing Herpes Outbreak

er case, the result is brutal, guitars and drums form a refreshing and optimistic and torn voice reminds the Twelve Hour Turn, or the aforementioned Cap'n Jazz, but with a personal touch that makes perfect anti-depressant valid for any time of day and any situation. Showing a clear influence of Kinsella, which is always good, they are a young group that comes in handy now that most of the bands style gradually disappear. They are brilliant in every sense of the word.

2006 demo: / algernoncadwallader


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Hit In Head Bleeding From Ear

or a clown And I tremble foot Beside

I say I'm discolored